Eugenia Bahit

Software Architect

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Science & Tech Journalism

Being a journalist means speaking up for those who aren’t heard.

My journalistic journey

In the past years, I have been delving into tech, science, and news journalism, training as a journalist and certifying as a news journalist and science writer.

As a science and tech journalist, I have specialised in HPC, parallel programming, artificial intelligence, machine learning, quantum computing, and their impacts on the environment, human and animal rights, and social justice.

However, as a news journalist, I have dreamed of focusing my career on writing beyond technology and science.

I have wished to focus on social justice, animal rights, climate change, and human rights, as well as uncovering stories affecting the most underprivileged populations, such as BIPOC, disabled, and LGBTQIA2S+ communities.

Since then, my journalistic career has been divided between two parallel worlds: one where billions are invested in producing new technology and another where economically deprived societies suffer the consequences of a highly industrialised world.

My Journalistic Work

I think that behind every story, there is an objective fact, a subjective reason, and more than one angle from which to cover the story. So discovering the impact that the story might have on readers is more than a simple question of perspective.

Since journalism shapes public opinion, perspective is an ethical responsibility and a decisive factor in choosing the correct angle. And that is what makes me a different science and tech journalist.

My journalistic work includes conscientious research and fact-checking, as well as interviews with experts who can shed light on the different facets of the same topic.

One example of this is the latest feature I wrote for Scientific Computing World, which you can read online.

Request for a Journalistic Assignment

Even though I worked as a full-time journalist for a while, I have decided to go back into software engineering. So, nowadays, I am only available for occasional journalistic assignments.

If you are interested in hiring me for a journalistic assignment, please email me before scheduling so that we may discuss the terms of your request.